Welcome to the Nelson Waldorf School Fundraising Page
Here you will be able to purchase grocery cards for a school-wide fundraiser, and purchase Pizza and Sushi lunches for students and staff. This year, Class 5 is offering Pizza on Thursdays & Class 6/7 are offering Sushi on Tuesdays (except December) as class fundraisers.
To begin, register for an account - it only takes a few minutes! Need Help? Check out the help tab for more instructions or email nelsonwaldorfhotlunch@gmail.com with subject line HELP.
Credit cards and e-transfer are accepted.
Lunch Fundraisers
Tuesdays: Sushi - Kurama - California and Avocado Rolls $8/roll (Gluten free soy sauce available)
Note to Staff: If you would like to order sushi or pizza for yourself, please register and create yourself student profile. Classroom or staffroom delivery available.
Note to Parents: We are not able to offer refunds if your child is sick on the day of delivery. Your child's teacher will decide who gets their meal. Please connect with their teacher if you have someone particular you would like the meal to be given to.
The Grocery Card Fundraiser is no longer available here, but solutions are fast coming! Please check in with the school for updates on that very important school fundraiser!
We are looking for VOLUNTEERS to support these school fundraisers - please reach out to Bee Schroeder or Myra Rasmussen at nelsonwaldorfhotlunch@gmail.com
This website is meant to facilitate management of fundraisers for both parents and the PAC. Please feel free to contact us with any suggestions or problems you have with the system at nelsonwaldorfhotlunch@gmail.com.
You can also Donate to the School to help make us reach our goals to provide a great environment for our children and support our teachers here!
We believe that by involving and informing parents we will have a more supportive and effective school environment for our children. It is up to us to work together to ensure our children have the best possible school experience. Thank you for your support!
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